Failed Rescue Attempts

Not all those who received help and hiding places arranged by Otto Weidt managed to survive underground. Some of them were betrayed, arrested by the Gestapo, deported from Berlin, and murdered.

Erich and Elsbeth Frey initially hid in the basement of the workshop for the blind at Rosenthaler Straße 39. In April 1944 they were arrested by the Gestapo in their hiding place at Bundesratufer 4 in Berlin-Moabit, deported, and later murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

When the Horn family feared deportation in early 1943, Otto Weidt hid them in the windowless last room of his workshop. The door was concealed by a wardrobe. In October 1943 they were betrayed, arrested in the workshop, deported, and later murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau.