The app for all epochs of Berlin history
To walk through Berlin is to walk on historical ground. Few other places in the world hide so many distinct layers of history beneath the surface. Many traces of the past have faded over the years, however, to such a degree that even the historically inclined pass them by completely oblivious.
berlinHistory’s goal is not only to allow the hidden past to be seen and experienced, but also to preserve it for future generations. Towards this end berlinHistory has created a digital platform for all cultural institutions, museums, archives, private initiatives, local historians, and individuals. Various types of historical documents – whether photos, texts, videos, audio recordings, historical postcards, eyewitness accounts, before-and-after images, or guided tours – can be uploaded to the interface and made available to the public.
The German Resistance Memorial Center Foundation is a close cooperation partner of berlinHistory app. Together, we want to remind users of the berlinHistory.app of the resistance against National Socialism by telling the stories of many different resistance fighters, set against the map of the city.
Many entries also take you to sites of resistance against the National Socialists’ persecution of Jews. Biographies and photos recall “Silent Heroes” in Berlin: people who stood by persecuted Jews, and persecuted people who resisted the National Socialists’ oppressive and murderous policies.
Information on berlinHistory.app is available here: